
Song of the Day: 'I'm Coming Out' by Diana Ross

Can you guess the closet case?

During Pride weekend in Washington I told my (10-years-younger) boyfriend that the standard date question when someone my age first came out was, "Do you parents know?," always asked in a somber tone in case they didn't or things hadn't gone well.  So imagine my surprise when a guy I have known for 19 years -- the first few of which he worked for me (I hired him!) -- came out to me and a bunch of our former colleagues in a lighthearted group Facebook message in which he poked fun at himself for being upset that the NBA Finals preempted a new episode of his beloved "Bachelorette." (I haven't had to "come out" to anyone since, what, 1987. And I don't think anyone other than my two best friends have ever come out to me!) At first we weren't even sure what he was saying -- he's in his early 40s now and we had no real reason to even think about it now that we mostly just see each other online. But he eventually alluded to a man in his life and their buying a house, which led me to private message him my congratulations, etc. (My ex [Michael] once saw "him" coming out of Barracuda. But just like on your favorite soap, it turns out my friend really does have a twin brother, so I always assumed the twin was gay and that my friend's uncomfortable reaction to my bringing up the sighting was because I'd outed his twin!) I realize he's not someone I see regularly anymore. But nonetheless it's a strange feeling to have known someone for nearly 20 years and then have them come out to you. Like the handful of people I had to "tell" back in the day, I'm just happy that he's happy. He and his partner of 10 years just bought a house together and his mom is pressuring him to tie the knot, which only goes to prove what we've been saying all along: Homos aren't so different from heteros, after all!

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