Bowing to Pressure From Democrats, Al Franken Says He Will Resign
From HERE.
The New York Times reports that Senator Al Franken of Minnesota announced Thursday he would resign “in the coming weeks” from the Senate after his support among Democrats crumbled, becoming the highest-profile casualty in the growing list of lawmakers felled by charges of sexual harassment or indiscretions.
“I of all people am aware that there is some irony in the fact that I am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the Oval Office, and a man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the Senate with the full support of his party,” Mr. Franken said.
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Mr. Franken also said that he had been ready to “cooperate fully” with a Senate Ethics Committee investigation but that he decided to leave office because it became clear he could not both pursue the investigation and represent the people of Minnesota. Still, he maintained that he would have ultimately been cleared.
I can't emphasize how big a mistake I think this is, for reasons I already wrote about yesterday. Tom Arnold isn't exactly the most trusted name in Hollywood. But given that Republicans have been furious that Franken won that seat in 2008 -- remember the recount that kept him from being seated forEVER? -- Arnold's claim that this was a rightwing plot certainly rings true.
It's "nice" that Democrats can demonstrate that they take allegations of sexual misconduct seriously. But the average voter will only remember that both sides had "skeevy politicians" (true) and NOTHING more. (Playing nice doesn't win control of Congress -- just as not being nice won the GOP the fucking Supreme Court.)
And here's a real knee-slapper. New York Times opinion columnist Thomas Edsall thinks "liberals need to take their fingers out of their ears":
Democrats who yearn for President Trump to be taken down should examine this list of Republican strengths: victories in all three contested special elections for the House of Representatives this year; Trump’s 82 percent approval rating among Republican voters; his success with the current tax bill; his swift evisceration of key regulatory policies; the Gorsuch appointment to the Supreme Court; economic growth of over 3 percent in the last two quarters; the Dow Jones topping 24,000; and the unemployment rate dropping to 4.1 percent.
For the moment, the left is both stunned and infuriated by the vehement animosity it faces from red America, which is made up of counties that are 84 percent less dense than blue America, 37 percent less racially and ethnically diverse, and 34 percent more white.Translation: Appeal to voters' inner racism, misogyny, homophobia, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia when running for office. I don't think so, which is all the more reason Franken should have stood his ground.
Voters in red America are 44 percent less likely to be college graduates and 22 percent more likely to have served in the armed forces. Geographically speaking, red counties are virtually nonexistent on the West Coast and on the East Coast north of the Mason-Dixon line.
Many Democrats continue to have little understanding of their own role — often inadvertent, an unintended consequence of well-meaning behavior — in creating the conditions that make conservatives willing to support Trump and the party he is leading.
From HERE.
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