
Of Course The System Is Rigged - For Trump

Trump manipulating crowd last night in Pensacola. blustering about a "rigged system"

Last night, in yet another boffo performance of how Trump can manipulate his dumb base, we saw him first stroking their pathetic egos ("You will never be ignored again!") then attacking the Mueller probe and our justice system - Constitution ("We have a rigged system").  None of the puppet crackers in the northern Florida crowd - who kept chanting "Lock her up!" had clue one they were the real suckers and the system is rigged in favor of Trump and his wealthy clique of parasites. The same ones who now want to strip health care from 13 million in order for them to grab even larger tax cuts.

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But their hopes were realized after the Reeptards in the Senate by a 51-.49 margin passed this offal.

This was barely days before Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles, the one-time leaders of the tax reform conversation, reported in a Washington Post column  that the Republican bill cuts  nominally delivered $3.7 trillion in tax breaks over the next decade. (Experts in tax policy warned that it was a small chunk of what the current tax code will give away, $18 trillion in tax breaks.)

All of the yokels chanting "Lock her up!" last night were so immersed in that mantra they neglected to ask their little god Dotard about his own taxes, and why he hadn't yet released any tax forms from prior years. If they had, they'd have seen THEY were the ones being played in a rigged tax game as their hero would reap millions in tax cuts - because of estate tax cuts and others - off THEIR backs. But they didn't because they were too easily manipulated and deflected to go after election loser Hillary. And besides, Dotard stroked their little egos with the "you will never again be ignored" theme.

Trump claimed "America" was behind him and his little Reeptard clan, but a look at the latest polls shows only 32 percent back this asshole, for 63 percent it's thumbs down. Of course, for Trump's dummies all negative polls, like actual headlines,  are "fake news".  These dolts are even inclined to believe the retarded notion that the FBI created the Steele Dossier, and Mueller needs to be investigated because he had a guy on his staff that sent anti-Trump tweets. (No inkling the guy was terminated. But then these turkeys are so desperate to derail any investigation of their hero they will latch onto anything).

They ought to be more concerned over their own futures - once Reeptard spending cuts are enacted to pay for the tax cuts that Trump is happy to use to flay their hides. Think of crying seniors with big medical bills who now won't be able to write off their medical expenses, or college students having to drop out if the value of their tuition waivers is taxed or if they lose tax exemptions for interest paid on student loans.

Lock Hillary up for that? No, they ought to shouting "Lock Trump UP!"  Not only for the crime about to be committed on their financial health, but how this turd has repeatedly lied to them, manipulated them and even insulted them. Bragging earlier in the year - at a Louisiana  rally - how he only needed them to get into office.

Perhaps the most odious and depraved aspect of last night's performance was Dotard's backing of an accused child predator, a little bastard no different from the Roman Catholic pederasts that had their way with thousands of innocents.  But Trump joined the Moore campaign in attacking the credibility of one accuser, Beverly Young Nelson, who said Friday she added an inscription to a high school yearbook signed by the Alabama Republican.

He belched:

Did you see what happened today? You know, the yearbook? Did you see that? There was a little mistake made.  She started writing things in the yearbook.”

No, she didn't write "things" aimlessly. She didn't change Moore's signature or fill it in, that was there already and as real as an oozing pustule on sexual predator's dick. What she did is put in D.A. to remind herself of Moore's position, and also the date.

But this is what a maggot like Dotard does, This is his shtick. He also went on to attack the credibility of her lawyer, Gloria Allred. “Any time you see her you know something’s gone wrong.”  Well yeah, Dotard, you know she has a pustule -ridden pervert like you in her sights, or your degenerate pal, Roy Moore.

But this is the sad and sorry state we've arrived at in this country, on the cusp of one admittedly backward state, about to elect a child molester to the U.S. Senate.  Well, I suppose it wouldn't be too extreme a stretch after already electing a pussy grabbing, golden shower loving pervert freak.

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