
Let's Make This Clear: If Gov't Shuts Down Blame The "Freedom Caucus" OF The GOP!

As we may be approaching a government shutdown today, let's get it clear and straight the culprits will be Trump and the GOP - NOT the Dems. You cannot pawn off the blame to the minority party when yours controls all branches of government, and you have the numbers to avert a shutdown IF you had the will. But let's not sashay around this, Trump and the Repukes don't.

Specifically, a faction of the Repukes called the "Freedom Caucus". These assholes fancy themselves the prime defenders of "limited government" and the rule of law, by which they mean curtailing spending on anything other defense and their own pet projects (read: pork projects).  Their two main leaders are Mark Meadows of North Carolina and Jim Jordan of Ohio. To put it bluntly, if the Republicans can't summon their own numbers to avoid a shutdown it will be because these two "legislative terrorists" - as Sen. McCain once dubbed them - don't want it. Hence, they will round up their 36 odd members and have them vote 'NO' on any continuing resolution (CR) or spending bill.

Because of their defections the 'Pukes will be short of votes to avert the shutdown so will have to go cap n hand begging the DEMS for their votes. The problem is that if the Dems yield and cooperate they will lose whatever scant leverage they have left to avoid the 800,000 Dreamers from being sent back to countries they never lived in.

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Bottom line, do not listen or invest a scintilla of credibility in any claims the Dems are to blame for this shutdown. That is all Trump and Repuke codswallop generated because they could enlist their own members to do the deal.

Any more about these limited government jerks we ought to know? Well, columnist Al Hunt expands in his article in The Denver Post 3 days ago:

"The Freedom Caucus leaders are a byproduct of a divide in the American conservative movement that’s been widening for four decades. One side is embodied by Jack Kemp, who represented western New York in Congress during the 1970s and 1980s and served as U.S. housing secretary under President George H.W. Bush. His was a conservativism of openness, inclusion and the opportunity society. The other takes inspiration from former Senator Jesse Helms, a 30-year North Carolina lawmaker until 2003 whose politics relied on stoking animosities and fear. Legislatively, the two camps voted similarly. But their messages and approach to politics were radically different, with one focused on hope and the other on resentment.
Their influence is mostly negative. A fellow Republican congressman, Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania, said the Freedom Caucus leaders can effectively undercut the House leadership but “just can’t get to yes.

What about this limited government bull pockey?  What the conservatives mean when they tout "limited government" is greatly reduced social spending, for items like welfare, Medicaid, and food stamps, as well as Social Security and Medicare. In terms of military spending and military resources, conservatives certainly don't favor "limited government". Rather, the more money and government largesse for tanks, planes, missiles, missile "shields" and whatnot for "defense", the better.  Their reasoning is simple and utterly cynical: The more $$$ that can be pumped into these the less will be available for any social support or insurance.  Combined with the tax cuts to the rich, they effectively create an inequitable system with the potential to send this country into the proverbial crapper in perpetuity.

Let us also note the Freedom Caucus is dead set against expanding the DACA program as part of any immigration reform package. The continuing resolution (CR) now on offer, doesn't have any place for DACA, period, but does keep the government open for 4 more weeks. It does include funding for CHIP - the Child Health Insurance Program- and also easing up on ACA taxes. The combination is clearly an effort to split the Dem coalition to get them to cover the bases the Freedom Caucus won't.

My take is that,  for the Resistance movement,  DACA takes precedence over all other considerations, and hence the pressure is on the Dems not to vote for the CR as it stands. Given the Freedom Caucus likely won't either then that portends a government shutdown. It is then up to the Dems to make clear that it is the Republicans who are ultimately responsible given they had the numbers to stop it but chose not to.

While the shutdown will cause lots of grief to be sure, there is a hundred times more pain and grief in store for all of us - including the Dreamers- if the Repuke Reptiles are allowed to get their way. Meaning they are allowed to use CHIP as a cynical bargaining chip (no pun intended) while inflating the defense spending but doing nothing about DACA. Further simply using endless CRs to functionally limit government social spending while not actually passing a formal spending bill.

These assholes have to be taken down here and now and shown by the Dems that they will not continue to be used as convenient Repuke pawns. 

Let's make it clear also that Dotard is the one immediately responsible if a shutdown comes to pass, never mind this bloated swine keeps bellowing it is the Dems' fault because "they want a shutdown to take attention off the tax cuts."  Oh no! Recall last Tuesday Trump sitting in the Oval Office saying he'd sign any "clean" immigration bill, e.g.


Then two days later, after blowback from the Fox News pundits and assorted right wing hacks, he backed off and went 180 degrees opposite, barking his now famous epithet:

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” 

This was immediately after being presented with a proposal to restore protections  for immigrants from countries such as El Salvador, Haiti and African nations as part of a bipartisan immigration deal.

Trump's eruption effectively scuttled the Graham - Durbin bill that would have enabled an immigration solution and avoided a shutdown.  But...the bombastic maggot  -  clearly demented too- wanted to appease his ignominious base more than govern a whole country.

When you wake up tomorrow and find national parks closed, federal offices shuttered, and Social Security checks late, don't blame the Dems for the fallout but the animated excrement fouling the White House! 

See also:


And this account from The Financial Times of what a shutdown portends:


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