Cheyenne Jackson Is the Gay Darrin Stephens
Last night's "Will & Grace" was probably my least favorite so far, although a mediocre "W&G" is still better than most things. As happy as I was to hear Cheyenne Jackson was going to guest star, I didn't realize he was playing Will's ex-boyfriend Michael -- who was already played perfectly by sexy Chris Potter. (And you know how I feel about Fake Jan et al.) And a few things didn't quite add up. First of all, didn't Will look Michael up? The idea that Michael was lying in wait to "use" him seemed awfully out of left field -- and didn't track with the Michael we knew from years ago. And even if we are going along with the story, shouldn't we have seen Will fall in love again before it all imploded so quickly? I guess it was sort of a fast-tracked sitcom romance, but the whole thing was very jarring -- and I feel like a missed opportunity at exploring getting back together with an ex.
Secondly, I'm not sure the "both sides" cake storyline hit its mark. Are people who voted for the person who was elected to the White House -- and are members of the party that controls all three branches of government -- really on par with persecuted minorities? Do we need a sitcom to equate LGBTQ people with Nazis and people who practice bestiality? (I think a senator turned GOP presidential candidate was more than enough.) Make the cake. But any chance of this being a clear-cut case of hypocrisy is completely muddied by Trump's relentless vilification of minorities and championing of gun nuts and white supremacists -- and even the ACLU has changed its stance on some hate groups.
On the plus side ...
The little nod to Debbie Reynolds ...
and Tom of Finland -- both originally spotted by my friend Chad -- were very appreciated.
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