
FOX Harpy Laura Ingraham Has To Eat Dung....Errrrr.. Humble Pie - After Attack On David Hogg

 Parkland shooting survivors David Hogg (left) and Cameron Kasky appearing on HBO's Real Time on March 2nd.

It was bound to happen, The degenerates on the Right had become more and more brazen about mounting spurious bullshit attacks on the Parkland shooting survivors, especially the articular and passionate David Hogg. As Janice asked this morning, after reading a piece about the Right's assaults on Hogg in a salon.com piece by Amanda Marcotte: "What's wrong with these people? What are they afraid of?"

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I answered that this was precisely the issue: The Right's minions were pissing in their panties and terrified of Hogg's command of the language and media prominence.  and they feared his ability to make inroads on gun control.  We also know when certain humans are overcome by fear, their innate weakness causes them to lash out at those viewed as threats.

Such as been the case with FOX News' Laura Ingraham and her "Ingraham Angle" in which she launched one of the most ill advised twitter attacks ever, e.g.

David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA...totally predictable given acceptance rates.) 

The ill-conceived attack instantly brought retribution including from Hogg's 14 year old sister, Lauren, e.g.

"How low are your ratings @IngrahamAngle that you have to start attacking my brother’s grades to get attention? If you ask me, he is more articulate than you and has far better character. Man, that’s real low even for you. Coming from a 14 year old, please grow up. #NeverAgain https://t.co/CgUVeGRfxP"

David himself then followed up: with a tweet to his nearly 600,000 Twitter  followers identifying Ingraham's sponsors, e.g.

Pick a number 1-12 contact the company next to that #

Top Laura Ingraham Advertisers

1. @sleepnumber
2. @ATT
3. Nutrish
4. @Allstate & @esurance
5. @Bayer
6. @RocketMortgage Mortgage
7. @LibertyMutual
8. @Arbys
9. @TripAdvisor
10. @Nestle
11. @hulu
12. @Wayfair

The tweet was flooded with replies from Hogg’s supporters, some of whom pasted images of their messages to the companies in question,.  Ingraham herself was deluged with responses including many taking her to task for stooping so low. This prompted her to finally yelp 'Uncle!' tweeting:
Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA —incl. . On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland. 

Note she acknowledged his 4.2 GPA and also the  record shows he attained a 1270 in the SAT.  Not getting into the college of his choice is no mystery, given as the WSJ noted today (p.A3) there is a crush now with college applications and the Millennials feature the biggest contingent ever- bigger in numbers than the  Boomers.  So,  Hogg will definitely gain entrance to a good school, just perhaps not his first choices.

What provoked the savage Right wing attacks, including Ingraham's. Well, during a TMZ interview Hogg had simply  expressed disappointment about letter of  rejection fro four schools he'd applied to but said it has been difficult to focus on college lately.  The Right, always hyper -macho in a distorted way (which is why they identify with their guns) took this admission as weakness and whining. 

The reaction to the Right has been equal rage from the Left who are flabbergasted these knuckle draggers have the balls to go after school shooting survivors  Since the tweet was posted, Ingraham herslef has received backlash on social media, 

Many of us have viewed her recent actions — the latest in a slew of right-wing attacks against the Parkland survivors — as particularly appalling, given that she is a parent and theoretically ought to know better.

In all of this there is an object lesson about having basic respect for victims of a mass shooting, especially victims who have found their voice and are prepared to speak out. As for the trope that Hogg and his followers are "bullying" Ingraham and the Righties, that's really choice - given they have been hammering at the Parkland kids including stupid conspiracy BS about "child actors" the past 4 weeks

At this writing, pet food brand Nutrish had responded to Hogg’s boycott call, tweeting Thursday morning “We are in the process of removing our ads from Laura Ingraham’s program.”

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