Trump's North Korean Gambit - It Follows His Typical M.O.: Distract And Sow Chaos
These two were ready for war a year ago, and you really believe they're ready for peace now - via North Korean "denucleariztion"? Then you need to lay off the MJ candy.
Baca Juga
The skinny is that Kim has made an offer to suspend missile and nuclear tests, the condition U.S. officials have laid down for the start of any substantive talks. But as usual - the devil is in the details- and as The Financial Times reported nearly a week ago, Kim wants nothing less than 100 percent guarantee that North Korean security will never be compromised. Now, read that again and tell me with a straight face such a guarantee can be offered.
Despite all the breathless reporting by the corporate media, the chances of any denuclearization occurring on the North Korean peninsula are about the same as Trump being kidnapped by extraterrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli system before it happens. There is no way in hell Kim will permanently give up a program that has been the heart and soul - as well as identity - of his country for at least the past two decades. You can take that to the bank.
Besides, Kim is smart enough to know the biggest hole in any alleged agreement is the assurance of a "one hundred percent guarantee". No such critters exist in this universe. What Kim wants is simply stature as a world leader, which he will surely get if he can get Donnie Dotard to actually traipse into North Korean and meet with him. The photo ops alone will be worth billions of bit coin to Kim as well as his beleaguered nation.
And what, pray tell, must Kim do in return? Merely agree to suspend his missile and nuke tests. Big deal!

North Korean ICBM test last year.
The time allotted for suspension will simply allow his missile engineers to work longer on getting an actual, workable ICBM ready. By that I mean the achievement of a warhead able to re-enter the atmosphere without burning up as it plunges back toward the putative target.
The other question they must answer is how the inclusion of a 100-200 kg mass in the nose of the missile will affect its trajectory and especially stability - in concert with the engine required to hurl it to another continent.. That is basically the sixty four dollar question. Only at that point , i.e. of an actual warhead test, would N. Korea have achieved its prime ambition.
The other aspect of this farce, as clear to anyone who remotely knows Trump's M.O., is that he's using this risky gambit to take the heat off his pathetic administration with all its departures and especially the recent tariff executive order the fool just signed.. Actually, he had to be reminded to sign it by Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and others. Dotard forgot it was a "signing ceremony". And this is the dotard in whose hands we're really placing peace talks for North Korea? Give me a break..
As former ambassador Nicholas Burns put it this morning on CBS, "the most Kim will be willing to do is negotiating some transparency on his nuclear testing but he won't give them up". He also adds Kim "wants legitimacy' and a meet with Trump will deliver that. On the other hand, for Trump "this will be as difficult as it gets." Worse, given we have a dotard doing it.
At the end of the day, hell by the end of May, most sentient beings on the planet will see this whole media firestorm is just so much huff and puff.
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