
Senate Intel Conclusion Proves House Investigation Is Bogus And Nunes Is A Tratior

"This conclusion is bittersweet for the country because unity is the best antidote against Russian interference or interference from any country. ..So the House Republicans are now isolated. Isolated from the bipartisan report from Senate Democrats and Republicans, isolated from the intelligence community assessment and just isolated from the facts."     - Rep. Eric Swalwell, last night on 'The Last Word'

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 Now that the Senate Intelligence Committee has issued its conclusion - that Russia interfered in the 2016 election and this was to help Trump - it stands in stark contrast to the  conclusion of the House Intel Committee led by chairman Devin Nunes.  Which of these is bogus, and which is the conclusion you can trust? The answer boils down to one of essential character of the prime actors and in the case of the House, we have a traitor - Devin Nunes - leading the charge, hence the investigation's conclusion isn't worth any more than that of the Warren Commission confected by LBJ. See e.g.


As I observed in that post:

"Who would ever have believed another abominable "investigation"  like the politically motivated Warren Commission's could ever be resurrected again? For those who need a memory jog, this charade was conceived by LBJ to provide protective cover for himself by launching into a pseudo-investigation of the assassination of JFK.   Like the just concluded House Intelligence Committee - largely run as a charade to protect Trump by his water boy Devin Nunes- the Warren Commission was designed as an elaborate foil to protect Johnson."

And  quoting former Justice Dept. specialist and spokesperson Matt Miller:

"This Intelligence Committee Report is a farce in so many ways. It's a farce in view of what happened - allowing witnesses to come in and refuse to answer questions and then no follow up, no subpoenas, no attempt to hold anyone in contempt. And it's a farce in claiming Putin wasn't  trying to elect Trump. Not just because the intelligence agencies have concluded otherwise, but a grand jury of 23 average Americans returned an indictment that explicitly said the Russians were trying to elect Donald Trump. They're ignoring that evidence completely ." 

And as for Devin Nunes, we know he's a traitor and consummate bad actor with deplorable character from his actual actions which those of us who've paid attention have tracked from last year's antics, e.g.





All of which has pointed to the House Intelligence Commission as a smokescreen and political disinformation unit to protect Trump, as opposed to adhering to the  Constitution and getting at the truth. This is why the House found "no evidence of coordination between Russia and Trump's campaign."   This in 180 degree opposition to the Senate Committee, which has been left to act the part of the sole adults and show the House investigation for the clown act and  sham it is, and who Nunes really is.

For Nunes' latest encore, he's issued increasingly bold demands for access to come of the Justice Department's most sensitive case files, As Matt Miller has pointed out, the release of such into Nunes' hands would disclose highly confidential methods, and sources, including intercept from foreign agents who would also be compromised, In other words, Nunes has continued to live up his traitor banner in the sordid series of continuing escalations, confrontations.  As I said in an earlier blog post, this bastard needs to be hung, drawn and quartered.


In the latest episode, reported in the NY Times four days ago ('Wielding Threats, Nunes Attack Justice Dept'.) we learn this deranged punk "demanded more documents and related materials for his investigation into allegations of surveillance abuse by federal law enforcement officials".  His reckless mission pitted this miscreant not only against the DOJ, but the FBI and intelligence community and intel -linked sources inside Trump's WH itself - all of whom warned "the disclosure could endanger a long time source who is aiding the special counsel's investigation."

Not to be outdone, WSJ harpy and  Trump stooge Kim Strassel tried to come to Nunes' rescue in her last disinfo piece, https://www.wsj.com/articles/about-that-fbi-source-1525992611

Bloviating and blurtating that:

"I believe I know the name of the informant, but my intelligence sources did not provide it and refuse to confirm it. It would therefore be irresponsible to publish it."

Not to mention, putting your own neck into Robert Mueller's noose!  But the rest of her screed merely regurgitates all of the House Intel conspiracy theories and Nunes' own psychotic ideations, e.g. "the FBI played dirty in its surveillance warrant against Carter Page."  No, they did not it was totally justified given Page had met with FSB agents and the meeting documented by foreign (e.g. German, UK, Dutch) intercepts.

In the end, the Senate Intelligence report puts the kibosh not only on Strassel's outlandish ruminations but on Nunes' and his collaborators' perfidy and treachery.  To see more details of its report, go to:

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