
New Low For Subhuman Trump Slime: Ripping Infants From Mothers And Putting Them Into Cages

A woman carries a baby as immigrants are dropped off at a bus station shortly after being released from detention

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Infant - about to be taken to a cage in a detention center called euphemistically "tender age shelter".

After Janice called me into the family room with her cries of "You have to see this! You have to see what these Nazi monsters are doing! It's on Rachel right now!"   I pulled asway from my desk and went to the tube to see a crying Rachel Maddow.  Normally I don't watch her show as I limit myself to just one politically accented MSNBC show per night, usually Chris Hayes' 'All In'.  To try to keep one's sanity in this debased era of Trumpist authoritarianism and perfidy with multiple atrocities usually unfolding at once - it's best to ratio exposure.

In this case I beheld Maddow overcome by emotion, crying actually, and unable to conclude her show while trying to read the braking news over the transom: the Trump Nazis were now tearing babies from their mothers and putting them into cages at detention centers.  Those interested can see what Janice and I saw here:

Rachel Maddow breaks down in tears while discussing border crisis

This elicits the question of how much more debasement, atrocity and outrage can be fired up before this malignant disease infecting our country is finally extinguished - every last trace.   So far we learned only that the sights and sounds of screaming children held in the border detention facilities are simply serving as "music" to the ears of the Trump backing perverts. They literally get off at evey child's cry and - evidently- every liberal's tear or cry of outrage.   Corey Lewindowski on one FOX show actually cheered "Whomp! Whomp!" when the on set screen showed a child with Down's syndrome taken from its mother.  This shows the level of degradation we've now reached, and why it will probably take decades to finally clean out the national sewer the nation has sunk to since the ascension of the Trump cabal  full of traitors, n'er do wells, poltroons,  cowards  and rank enablers.

Anyway, what upset Rachel (as well as Janice and myself was the news that Trump administration officials have been sending babies and other young children forcibly separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border to at least three “tender age” shelters in south Texas.  Lawyers and medical providers who have visited the Rio Grande Valley shelters described play rooms of crying pre-school aged children in emotional crisis, most kept in cages. The Associated Press learned that the government also plans to open a fourth shelter to house hundreds of young migrant children in Houston, where city leaders denounced the move on Tuesday.

Since the White House announced its zero tolerance policy in early May, more than 2,300 children have been taken from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border, resulting in a new influx of young children requiring government care. The government has faced withering critiques over images of some of the children in cages inside U.S. Border Patrol processing stations.
According to Kay Bellor, vice president for programs at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, which provides foster care and other child welfare services to migrant children:
"The thought that they are going to be putting such little kids in an institutional setting? I mean it is hard for me to even wrap my mind around it.  “Toddlers are being detained.”
Alicia Lieberman, who runs the Early Trauma Treatment Network at University of California, San Francisco, said decades of study show early separations can cause permanent emotional damage. 
 Let's also acknowledge here that the procedures at the border are actually multiplying the numbers of those detained, branded "criminals" and increasing separations.  This is because the border officials - acting on orders from on high, e.g. from Obersturmfuhrer Stephen Miller, and Der Fuhrer Dotard Trump, are "slow walking" those seeking to present themselves to Customs and Border Patrol for Immigration interviews. 
Since "der Fuhrer" wants no one entering, period, they're not allowed to place two feet over the border - which would trigger an interview and usually a judge's ruling and temporary landing rights.  Now, with every newcomer stopped, crowds have piled up and few - if any- can get in.  (One mother interviewed by Chris Hayes managed to do it by walking in amongst the motor vehicles - as opposed to with the line of immigrants. 
But she should not have had to resort to this subterfuge after trekking over a thousand miles from Guatemala after she was targeted for death by a gang of thugs. 
This country right now is in the throes of degenerates and vermin. We can't let them continue to foul this nation and its reputation, and its record of being a sanctuary for all those striving to breathe free. They do not deserve a lump of coal, or cyanide when they arrive here - but a humane welcome, understanding and respect. 
All the more reason to get rid of the Trump excrement ASAP.

At the end of Lawrence O'Donnell's MSNBC show 'Last Word', Janice asked plaintively:

"How are we going to get rid of these sick bastards?  It's so long until the midterm election and the first chance to get them out?"

I replied that we can be sure of one thing:  that the words actions of the scum in office will only get worse in the interim. This is given Trump is now like a mad dog - as Mueller's probe shadows him. Like all mad dogs he needs to be put down and that time will come - as each rash, rabid 'bite' he takes is another nail in his electroral  coffin. We just need to hang on long enough to put those nails in, for Trump and his cabal.

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