Patriot Peter Strzok Guts Gowdy & House GOP Quislings In Fiery JointHearing

Patriot and FBI agent Peter Strzok prepares to defend himself and the Bureau in the GOP circus...errr, 'lion's den yesterday.
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From hearings chairman Bozo Bob Goodlatte, to the clown act of the deformed gnome Louis Gohmert, to barking quisling Trump lapdog Trey Gowdy, who once leaked an intelligence source during the Benghazi hearings, and now "dripped so much venom against Strzok he needed a bedpan under his foaming lips" (in the words of blogger PM Carpenter, we beheld a circus extraordinaire. Gowdy himself tried to challenge Strzok on his late-night texts to Lisa Page and ended up looking as goofy, desperate, fake and pathetic as Gerald Ford after he tried to alter the autopsy report on JFK's back wounds.
As Matt Miller put it, "this hearing was an appalling embarrassment".
The Reeptards, who fully lived up to that monicker, tried desperately to tie Strzok's texts to having a "plan of action" to take down Trump. Goofy Gowdy seemed especially incensed and self-righteous when Strrzok replied to one of Lisa Page's texts with a curt "We'll stop him."
Never processing that Strzok had the power to make one phone call in the fall of 2016 to blow the Russia connections to Trump wide open and sink his candidacy, but didn't. Not long after candidate Trump looked into a camera and begged Putin to hack Hillary's emails it was Peter Strzok who helped open the counterintelligence probe to ascertain whether a foreign adversary engaged in a criminal conspiracy to sabotage a U.S. election.
Even though Strzok wasn't a fan of Trump and despite sending derogatory texts, Strzok held his hand and never blurted a word, even as then FBI head Comey dumped all over Hillary. Indeed, the GOP House clowns in such high dudgeon over Strzok's "guilty" texts yesterday ought to have been cleaning his wingtips with their tongues. I mean, in the midst of Comey's antics and despite tons of information forming about perhaps the most explosive investigation in American history, Strzok never leaked one single word. That's how much they owe him for actually brining the reign of their orange master into fruition.
As Strzok put it out there bluntly yesterday:
"In the summer of 2016 I was one of only a few people who knew the details of Russian election interference and its possible connections with members of the Trump campaign. This information had the potential to quite possibly derail and defeat Mr. Trump but the thought of expressing that or exposing that information never crossed my mind."
That solemn counsel showed Peter Strzok was keeping whatever personal animus he had toward the Orange ape to himself. Hence, when he told the assembled GOOPr misfits that his texting had no bearing on his duties as an agent, he was telling the absolute truth. But as usual, these fucktards were too committed to protecting their treasonous master to let up. Thereby showing they also were traitors ....quislings.
What Janice and I most appreciated is that despite all the hollow, howler GOOP efforts, snark and posturing Strzok more than held his ground. In fact, in a relentlessly calm and reasoned tone - articulate and detailed to a fault- he reduced these poltroons to the state of impotent buffoons. Not once, but multiple times, Strzok mounted an aggressive personal defense, rejecting accusations that he let his private political views bias his official actions and labeling Republican attacks on him “another victory notch in Putin’s belt.”
The Reepo quislings were either too dumb or too distracted by their own hubris to see he was effectively calling them traitors. Quislings - after Vidkun Quisling, one of the original traitors
Janice's ire particularly went through the roof when the odious, reeking of rhetorical vomit, Louis Gohmert (TX) took his turn to yap:
“’The disgrace that this man has done....the disgrace...and it won't be recaptured anytime soon, because of the damage you've done to the j-j-jutsis system! Now, I've talked to FBI agents around the country. You’ve embarrassed them. You’ve embarrassed yourself. And I can’t help but wonder when I see you looking there with a little smirk, how many times did you look so innocent into your wife’s eye and lie to her about Lisa Page?”
Janice screamed unmentionable epithets to do with Gohmert's questionable species' origins and then maybe how a live vivisection might be needed to confirm his human origins. But her initial rage quickly turned to peals of laughter when one of the Dems - Rep. Bonnie Watson- Coleman, chided Gohmert: "You need your medication!" One of Chris Hayes' guests (former Republican Rep Mickey Edwards) on All In was even more blunt opining: "He needs to be locked up!" Hmmm....where his Dr. Pat Bannister when we need her to confine the deformed, backward little gnome to Jenkins' Mental Hospital, in Barbados?
Despite all the wacko, unhinged Reeptard assaults on Strzok and his character, even at one point threatening him with "contempt of congress" if he didn't answer a specific question (when he was forbidden to do so by the FBI), he kept his cool. In fact, more than kept his cool, in powerful, articulate rebuttals, basically gutting all the GOP mean-spirited minnows one time, e.g.
"I can assure you, Mr. Chairman, at no time in any of these texts did those personal beliefs enter into the realm of any action I took. Furthermore, this isn't just me sitting here, so you don't have to take my word for it. At every step, at every investigative decision, there were multiple layers of people above me, assistant director, deputy director, director of the F.B.I., and multiple layers of people below me, section chiefs, unit chiefs and analysts, all of whom were involved in all of these decisions. They would not tolerate any improper behavior in me anymore than I would tolerate it in them. That is who we are as the FBI. And the suggestion that I, in some dark chamber in the F.B.I., would somehow cast aside all of these procedures, all of these safeguards and somehow be able to do this is astounding to me. It simply couldn’t happen. And the proposition that that is going on and it might occur anywhere in the FBI deeply corrodes what the FBI is in American society. The effectiveness of their mission and it is deeply destructive."”
Adding later:
“Let me be clear, unequivocally and under oath: not once in my 26 years of defending my nation did my personal opinions impact any official action I took."
And his most damning indictment:
“Let me be clear, unequivocally and under oath: not once in my 26 years of defending my nation did my personal opinions impact any official action I took."
And his most damning indictment:
“I understand we are living in a political era in which insults and insinuation often drown out honesty and integrity. I have the utmost respect for Congress’s oversight role, but I truly believe that today’s hearing is just another victory notch in Putin’s belt and another milestone in our enemies’ campaign to tear America apart.'
Concluding: "As someone who loves this country and cherishes its ideals, it is profoundly painful to watch and even worse to play a part in.”
The dismissal of the hearing as a "notch in Putin's belt" was a totally justifiable take after one particularly acerbic exchange with the venomous South Carolina hog turd, Trey Gowdy:.

Gowdy in performance mode, trying to get the better of Pete Strzok.
And after numerous misrepresentations of his statements, e.g.
Gowdy: "Did you write that text?"
Strzok: "I did write it, sir. A political expression, engaging in hyperbole. "
Gowdy: "Were you under duress?"
Dem Rep: "It was asked and answered over and over again,"
Gowdy: "Your testimony is that Bob Mueller did not kick you off because of the content of your texts, He kicked you off because of some appearance that he was worried about."
Strzok: "It is not my understanding that he kicked me off because of any bias. It was done based on the appearance. If you want to represent what he said accurately, I'm happy to answer that question. But I don't appreciate what was originally said being changed."
Gowdy: "I don't give a damn what you appreciate agent Strzok, I don't appreciate having an FBI agent with an unprecedented level of animus working on two independent investigations in 2016."
Still unwilling to acknowledge, Strzok with one phone call to the media could have busted the snot out of Dotard's campaign and sunk it as effectively as Comey sunk Hillary's with his blurtations.
Concluding: "As someone who loves this country and cherishes its ideals, it is profoundly painful to watch and even worse to play a part in.”
The dismissal of the hearing as a "notch in Putin's belt" was a totally justifiable take after one particularly acerbic exchange with the venomous South Carolina hog turd, Trey Gowdy:.

Gowdy in performance mode, trying to get the better of Pete Strzok.
And after numerous misrepresentations of his statements, e.g.
Gowdy: "Did you write that text?"
Strzok: "I did write it, sir. A political expression, engaging in hyperbole. "
Gowdy: "Were you under duress?"
Dem Rep: "It was asked and answered over and over again,"
Gowdy: "Your testimony is that Bob Mueller did not kick you off because of the content of your texts, He kicked you off because of some appearance that he was worried about."
Strzok: "It is not my understanding that he kicked me off because of any bias. It was done based on the appearance. If you want to represent what he said accurately, I'm happy to answer that question. But I don't appreciate what was originally said being changed."
Gowdy: "I don't give a damn what you appreciate agent Strzok, I don't appreciate having an FBI agent with an unprecedented level of animus working on two independent investigations in 2016."
Still unwilling to acknowledge, Strzok with one phone call to the media could have busted the snot out of Dotard's campaign and sunk it as effectively as Comey sunk Hillary's with his blurtations.
At the end Janice screamed with unconcealed delight: "That's the way, Pete! Put these shitheads in their place!" My language was a tad more colorful.
The House Committee Democrats in general did a creditable hob running interference for Strzok, using parliamentary points of order and other tactics to protect him from Republican prying. For example, Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, addressed Mr. Strzok at one point:
“All of these inquiries about your political opinions as revealed by these text messages are irrelevant and wrong, unless it can be shown — as it has not been shown, as was found definitively not to be the case in the Hillary investigation and has not been shown in the Russia investigation — that they affected any decisions in the investigation,”
But the Republican goons and clowns, were determined from the get go to provide cover for their traitor master and thus were intent on painting Strzok as so seething with contempt for Trump and his supporters that he meddled with the campaign. These degenerates also, by implication, sought to paint the agency’s investigation of the president as motivated by a similar anti-Dotard animus.
Some of the comments in the wake of this 7 hour House hearings farce were noteworthy and included:
Matt Miller (former DOJ spokeman):
"You know I've sat through a lot of hearings of these two committees (Judiciary and Intelligence) which met jointly today and on a good day they're pretty bad. This was not a good day. This was one of the most embarrassing moments I've ever seen from either of these two committees.
It was remarkable in their treatment of this witness today. They started out by threatening him with criminal contempt charges. Referring him to the Department of Justice for criminal charges because he wouldn't answer questions where he was ordered by the FBI - where he is still employed - not to answer. It ended with each GOP member spending all five minutes of their time to attack him and then not letting him respond..
And for all their attacks, they weren't on any search for any truth, or any justice. They wanted a public whipping boy that they could pin these unfounded accusations of bias on. But the problem was
they were never able to connect his very clear feelings about Donald Trump expressed in his texts with any actions he took at the FBI. They were never able to make that critical link that showed that some of the things he felt about Donald Trump influenced anything he did.
And as he eloquently stated, he had the power in the fall of 2016, with one phone call, to derail Donald Trump's campaign and probably prevent him from becoming president. He was one of the only people in the country with that power and he refrained from exercising it. This is the logical fallacy at the heart of their (GOP) conspiracy that he exposed."
Malcolm Nance: Former Intelligence agent and security specialist:
"I find it fascinating to juxtapose agent Strzok's behavior with that of his boss, James Comey, who should have kept his mouth shut, but didn't. SO we have a guy, in charge of the counterintelligence division, who understood the severity of what was going on. On what could be the single most important investigation in American history and he kept the faith of the Bureau.
You know who this man (Strzok) is? That's America's top spy hunter. He's the man who finds enemies in the United States, whether they are members of Isis, or Al Qaeda or from hostile intelligence agencies. You have to understand, I think it's important for this administration to take him down because they're pretty close to foreign intelligence adversaries. We know because they've spoken with those agents.
The Russians must be very, very pleased today."
Former CIA chief John Brennan:
"It's good Peter Strzok can now talk publicly about this and the American people can see his professionalism, as well as what I think is his integrity. We're all imperfect human beings and I think that while Peter would like to be able to have back some of the actions that he took, there is no indication in anything he said or the Inspector General's report that any personal views had any impact on his professional responsibilities. I think he was able to handle those questions in a very professional manner.
Here's Pete Strzok who's done more for our national security in the last twenty plus years then any of those members of congress put together. He is and has been an outstanding FBI agent and counterintelligence officer who has been responsible personally and directly for the many of the counterintelligence successes this country has enjoyed.
I was very pleased to see Pete speak very openly about this but it also demonstrated some of the craven politics right now, that unfortunately has infected the national security, law enforcement realm"
Joyce Vance - Former U.S. Attorney on the GOOP threats to hold Strzok in contempt if he didn't go to his personal lawyer instead of the FBI lawyer.
"Well this was just an exercise in silliness. So they're saying the FBI lawyers can talk to his personal lawyers and then he can talk to his personal lawyers. But he can't talk to the FBI lawyers directly.
Look, this is serious business, about protecting national security related information. And information about the integrity of ongoing investigations. And Strzok should have been permitted to consult with FBI lawyers.
The efforts by congress to engage in this rigamarole designed to make political points at the expense of the FBI's credibility and the important work that they're doing here I thought was a moment of embarrassment for this body."
Frank Figliuzzi: Former FBI Assistant Director for Counter Intelligence:
"The Counterintelligence professional in the FBI who are watching have probably come to the same conclusion that I have: that there is only one person who can sit and watch this travesty it and his name is Vladimir Putin. The Russian intelligence services have as their goal to sow discord and disarray in our institutions, and that's exactly what we were watching today.
My second thought, as a former counterintelligence agent, was the complete disregard for the sanctity of a pending criminal investigation. Something we saw today when they're telling Pete Strzok you can't to consult with FBI counsel to ensure that you are not revealing, obstructing, or in any way impeding this investigation. That was a travesty!"
Janice and I concur with all the preceding takes and I personally believe my Revolutionary War ancestors (Jacob and Conrad Brumbaugh) would heartily welcome Peter Strzok into their ranks of real - as opposed to paper - patriots, based on the robust defense of liberty, free speech and the Constitution he delivered to self-proclaimed GOP quislings yesterday.
Strzok, to his credit, was defiant and just as intent on defending the F.B.I.’s actions, the integrity of the Russia investigation and his own behavior - as he should have been. And wifey and I cheered as loudly each time Peter got his say as we would for our respective NFL teams, especially each time he took the 'wood' to Gowdy or the chief quisling Chairman, Bozo Bob Goodlatte A guy who could no more walk and chew gum at the same time than another Reep Poltroon, Gerry Ford. E.g. "Point of order, Mr. Chairman!" Goodlatte: "Uh, uh, that is not an appealable ruling...." "But I require the vote! Is it a sustainable ruling!" "The g-gentleman from New York has not cited a rule of the House that is being violated therefore it is not a point of order". (Transl. I can make my own rules sitting i this chair so fuck you!)
Some of the comments in the wake of this 7 hour House hearings farce were noteworthy and included:
Matt Miller (former DOJ spokeman):
"You know I've sat through a lot of hearings of these two committees (Judiciary and Intelligence) which met jointly today and on a good day they're pretty bad. This was not a good day. This was one of the most embarrassing moments I've ever seen from either of these two committees.
It was remarkable in their treatment of this witness today. They started out by threatening him with criminal contempt charges. Referring him to the Department of Justice for criminal charges because he wouldn't answer questions where he was ordered by the FBI - where he is still employed - not to answer. It ended with each GOP member spending all five minutes of their time to attack him and then not letting him respond..
And for all their attacks, they weren't on any search for any truth, or any justice. They wanted a public whipping boy that they could pin these unfounded accusations of bias on. But the problem was
they were never able to connect his very clear feelings about Donald Trump expressed in his texts with any actions he took at the FBI. They were never able to make that critical link that showed that some of the things he felt about Donald Trump influenced anything he did.
And as he eloquently stated, he had the power in the fall of 2016, with one phone call, to derail Donald Trump's campaign and probably prevent him from becoming president. He was one of the only people in the country with that power and he refrained from exercising it. This is the logical fallacy at the heart of their (GOP) conspiracy that he exposed."
Malcolm Nance: Former Intelligence agent and security specialist:
"I find it fascinating to juxtapose agent Strzok's behavior with that of his boss, James Comey, who should have kept his mouth shut, but didn't. SO we have a guy, in charge of the counterintelligence division, who understood the severity of what was going on. On what could be the single most important investigation in American history and he kept the faith of the Bureau.
You know who this man (Strzok) is? That's America's top spy hunter. He's the man who finds enemies in the United States, whether they are members of Isis, or Al Qaeda or from hostile intelligence agencies. You have to understand, I think it's important for this administration to take him down because they're pretty close to foreign intelligence adversaries. We know because they've spoken with those agents.
The Russians must be very, very pleased today."
Former CIA chief John Brennan:
"It's good Peter Strzok can now talk publicly about this and the American people can see his professionalism, as well as what I think is his integrity. We're all imperfect human beings and I think that while Peter would like to be able to have back some of the actions that he took, there is no indication in anything he said or the Inspector General's report that any personal views had any impact on his professional responsibilities. I think he was able to handle those questions in a very professional manner.
Here's Pete Strzok who's done more for our national security in the last twenty plus years then any of those members of congress put together. He is and has been an outstanding FBI agent and counterintelligence officer who has been responsible personally and directly for the many of the counterintelligence successes this country has enjoyed.
I was very pleased to see Pete speak very openly about this but it also demonstrated some of the craven politics right now, that unfortunately has infected the national security, law enforcement realm"
Joyce Vance - Former U.S. Attorney on the GOOP threats to hold Strzok in contempt if he didn't go to his personal lawyer instead of the FBI lawyer.
"Well this was just an exercise in silliness. So they're saying the FBI lawyers can talk to his personal lawyers and then he can talk to his personal lawyers. But he can't talk to the FBI lawyers directly.
Look, this is serious business, about protecting national security related information. And information about the integrity of ongoing investigations. And Strzok should have been permitted to consult with FBI lawyers.
The efforts by congress to engage in this rigamarole designed to make political points at the expense of the FBI's credibility and the important work that they're doing here I thought was a moment of embarrassment for this body."
Frank Figliuzzi: Former FBI Assistant Director for Counter Intelligence:
"The Counterintelligence professional in the FBI who are watching have probably come to the same conclusion that I have: that there is only one person who can sit and watch this travesty it and his name is Vladimir Putin. The Russian intelligence services have as their goal to sow discord and disarray in our institutions, and that's exactly what we were watching today.
My second thought, as a former counterintelligence agent, was the complete disregard for the sanctity of a pending criminal investigation. Something we saw today when they're telling Pete Strzok you can't to consult with FBI counsel to ensure that you are not revealing, obstructing, or in any way impeding this investigation. That was a travesty!"
Janice and I concur with all the preceding takes and I personally believe my Revolutionary War ancestors (Jacob and Conrad Brumbaugh) would heartily welcome Peter Strzok into their ranks of real - as opposed to paper - patriots, based on the robust defense of liberty, free speech and the Constitution he delivered to self-proclaimed GOP quislings yesterday.
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