Bill Maher Doesn't Get It On Political Strategy - Dems Must Not Fire Up The Trumpie Base Before Midterms!
Bill Maher, who admitted donating $1 million to the Dems for their push to take back the House,was in high rant mode last night in 'Real Time'. In his final segment of 'New Rules' he fairly blasted the Democrats for not going all out ripping Donnie T. (for Traitor) Trump a new one, while letting former or current Republicans do all the castigating and criticizing. We're talking about those like former McCain campaign head Steve Schmidt, former FL Rep Dave Jolly, R-strategist Rick Wilson and WaPo columnist George Will.
All of this Anti- Trump lot have been articulate, even using cutting edge rhetoric to call attention to the ongoing GOP cowardice is bending over for Trump, enabling him. They also have tons more credibility than any Dem trying to match their vehemence, precisely because they all hail from Republican tribal stock, and are also principled conservatives - as opposed to suck ups and submissives for the Trump cult.
Baca Juga
Thus, they are the ones to go after Trump, not Dems, especially in any use of the I (for impeachment) word. Hence, Bill's calling for the Democrats to be more outspoken is simply "poor politics" as Nancy Pelosi put it in a recent TIME magazine piece on her. Why is it poor politics? I suggest anyone who need to understand read Kim Strassel's piece in the WSJ yesterday:
How Republicans Could Still Win - WSJ
The top means to win? Get the Trump idiot base all riled up to increase their yen to protect "their president". Hence, using every tactic to try to invoke the specter of impeachment, or endless persecution by Dems - especially in the battlefield districts.
Smart guy that he is (certainly with close to a Mensa level I.Q.) Maher ought to know then the last thing Dems ought to do is play right into the Trumpie cult's hands. Do not deliver fodder for their upcoming campaigns, but instead keep a low profile and let the outspoken (and far more credible Reepo anti-Trumpers) do that for them. After the House at least is taken back, there's time to be more outspoken - but even then the long game goal is to get rid of the Trump cabal entirely - i.e. in th 2020 general election.
Hate to disagree, Bill, but this is the smart way to go though yes, it lacks the vitriol against Dotard we'd all like to see from the Ds. But right now, with no political power, these are the cards they need to play.
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