Yes, Trump Is A Felon, Who'll Be Locked Up As Soon As His One Off Term Is Done

"Hmmmm...mebbe I should'na kept calling Mueller's probe a witch hunt."
Baca Juga
Note that this is all a separate creature from the Russian conspiracy (not 'collusion' since there is no federal statute for that) that Robert Mueller is pursuing. While it is true Mueller said in his own court filing that Cohen had provided him “useful information” on matters at the core of the Trump-Russia investigation, it is also clear from the separate SDNY filing that Cohen was not as forthcoming with the facts of how and why Trump had him pay off two mistresses in order to keep his campaign violations secret- and thereby sneak into the White House as a felon.
In their separate filing, federal prosecutors in New York said Cohen “acted in coordination and at the direction of” Trump when setting up payments to buy the silence of Karen McDougal, a former model, and Stormy Daniels, a pornographic actor, who were considering making public their allegations of affairs with Trump. Cohen and Trump paid the women to suppress their damaging stories and “to influence the 2016 presidential election”, the filing said. As I noted in a previous post this is a major no-no and indeed, a felony.
The SDNY prosecutors added that Cohen was motivated by greed and “repeatedly used his power and influence for deceptive ends", noting:
“After cheating the [Internal Revenue Service] for years, lying to banks and to Congress, and seeking to criminally influence the presidential election, Cohen’s decision to plead guilty – rather than seek a pardon for his manifold crimes – does not make him a hero.”
Furthermore, Cohen's perjury didn't end with his lies and omissions to the SDNY Cohen previously pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about Trump’s plans to develop a building in Russia. He admitted the project continued well into Trump’s campaign for the presidency – contradicting Trump’s account – and that Cohen spoke with a Kremlin official about securing Russian government support.
In other words, we have direct evidence of a devious and nefarious synergy between Trump and the Russkies permeating the Trump campaign. Let's clear the air here and state emphatically that Trump is guilty of at least two felonies and hence two impeachable offenses. Sadly, the putative Dem head of the House Judiciary Committee (Jerry Nadler) seems not to grasp that impeaching Trump is not just a matter of political calculation but of holding him accountable As MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell' made clear to Nadler last week (after a lot of weasel words) failure to impeach Trump now - even if it doesn't lead to indictment (by the Senate) means that Trump and any followers will believe he's above the law. This cannot be allowed, hence, whether an impeachment brings more polarization as Nadler fears, is irrelevant to the need to impeach the vile maggot in the White House.
Still on Sunday's CNN interview, Nadler continued his verbal parsing by stating, in regard to the SDNY prosecutors' charges:
"They would be impeachable offenses. Whether they are important enough to justify impeachment is a different question."
Actually Jerry is overthinking the issue. IF they are indeed impeachable offenses, then it is manifestly clear that it warrants impeachment, no 'ifs, ands or but'. What Nadler is really worried about is enraging the Trumpie base, when he spoke on Lawrence O'Donnell's 'Last Word' last week. But enraging the Trumpie base is what I would call acceptable collateral "damage" if it means refusing to allow the slime ball cretin in the White House to get away with his crimes. And that was also Lawrence O'Donnell's point in his retort to Jerry.
Jerry needs to grow a pair, and grasp that if this foul fungal biped attempted to manipulate the 2016 election result by coercing his mistresses into secrecy then he is guilty. As a great statesman once put it: "Let justice be done or the heavens fall!"
And hey, at least it's not as violent (or permanent) as hanging him!
See also:
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