Deadly Viral Load for Dems?
I had hoped people would've stopped talking about that viral video shot near the Lincoln Memorial by now, but I guess stupidity has a long shelf life. I still hear people insisting things that didn't happen did. For the record, I don't "support" anyone wearing a MAGA hat -- I just don’t buy into the narrative that the kids were mocking Native American Nathan Phillips. (And even if they were, the entire thing is blown completely out of proportion when you put it into context.) By his own admission, Phillips says he assumed the MAGA boys were starting trouble with the African-American protesters -- who wouldn’t? -- and marched into the middle of their group to "diffuse" the situation where one of his associates opened by saying to them: "Why don't you go back to Europe?" (Great way to diffuse things.) Reminder: It was the Black Hebrew Israelites who were earlier calling the Native Americans "savages" when not belittling women ("Where's your husband?") and calling gay men "faggots. When Phillips never said a word to them and inexplicably started to pound a drum -- and bizarrely singled out that one kid -- the boys did what most people would do, stomp along to the beat. It was odd and extremely uncomfortable -- at one point one of the boys is heard saying "What's going on here?" -- but there’s no there there. It was a misunderstanding that no one should even know about. (Remember when social media was for catching up with old friends, not becoming enraged about things that don't affect you in the slightest?)
That so many people I respect are hanging their hats on this as symbolic of everything wrong in America today has me terrified we are going to let the White House slip away again in 2020. Can't we just write this off as a Yanni vs Laurel situation and move on, or must some of us keep patting ourselves on the backs for seeing something others do not? I suppose that would be a greater comfort when we have no rights left.
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