
More Reasons Why Dotard Will Blink Soon In This Shutdown Battle

Trump acting as a Russian Agent has never been a surprise to most of us. With this and other bad news piling up, the degenerate will have to yield by the state of the union - or be booed off the dais.

The bodies, displaced federal workers - from FDA food inspectors, to FBI agents, to TSA screeners and Park rangers -  are piling up and the degenerate traitor and Russian puppet Trump is at the center of it all. This is now the longest government shutdown (at 24 days) in U.S. history and like a drowning rat trying to grab at a board filled with his fellow rats (Mulvaney, Pompeo, Pence et al) he has nowhere to go but down.  None of his stunts or attempted bullying moves have worked and Nancy Pelosi is not any more likely to give in to his extortion than Martians will land tomorrow.   But with only 1 in 4 deplorables backing this scum he has to realize his hostage taking will not last.   I predict that by the SOTU on January 29th, with two million more cable and network TV optics gone south - gov't workers struggling and striking - this swine will be advised to throw in the towel.

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His support will further dwindle as even more news reports about his acting as a Russian agent get out showing he has no more interest in the national security of the U.S.  than a pig disdains slop.  But this pig is hoist on his own petard, especially -as Joe Scarborough put it this a.m. - as he continues to skunk his own team's negotiating efforts with more and more demands, As David Ignatius also noted, Trump "wants a 100 percent win" but he can't get it. There is no "art of the deal" that will bail him out because elections DO have consequences - and that refers to the one in November last year which the Dems took in a Blue wave.  The consequence is that Trump can no longer get a deal all one -sided and he will have to now give something in return.  Or go down as the most deplorable, disgusting vermin president - worse than James Buchanan and Richard Nixon - in U.S. history.

The biggest pressure point now is all the displaced, payless federal workers - including associated contract workers who number in the millions. As they collect more and more pay stubs labeled $0.00 and more and more screen shots show them lined up at food pantries, as TSA lines snake around the airport terminals, and more lawsuits are filed, you can be sure Dotard will have to crack. But the real cracking point will be when the 22 Reep Senators up for re-election next year (including many in blue or purple states) tell Mitch McConnell this farce cannot go on and he needs to bring any or all of the House Dem bills to a floor vote.  For reference, with 67 "yay" votes on any of them, any Trump veto gets over ridden, and the bill passes.   Once this happens the shutdown ends and all Dotard's protests and blusters won't change that.

Let's also get it straight the Trump shutdown has been selective, allowing public lands to remain open for hunters as well as oil and gas development. (D. Post, Sunday, p. 1A).   As reported, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service this past week, announced using "left over funds" from 2018 to "return staffers to work, ensuring planned activities on those lands, including organized hunts".  So the Trump shutdown is selective where it wants to be and will pay affected workers where and when it wants. Just not the hard working TSA agents, or park rangers at national parks - or the FBI agents - who as the NY Times reported investigated Trump being a Russian agent after he fired James Comey.

We also know the Trumpies, degenerates that they are, have explored end arounds to get their stupid ass wall done. That includes appropriating any and all funds allocated for the hurricane disasters that clobbered Puerto Rico, Texas and Florida in the past year. Yes, it is true, this is what the government that's also caged infants has mutated into: a kakistocracy, or government of vermin.

As for the national emergency  bullshit, Trump's minions (like the execrable coward Lindsey Graham) are still calling for it, but sensible people (what few there are, like George Will) in the conservative media know it's a non-starter. Even if Trump could declare it (according to a 1976 act) he would set a precedent for such a mockery of "national emergency"  that any future president could invoke it for just about anything. For example, a President Elizabeth Warren could use it to stanch inequality or fight climate change.  SO no, the Trumpies, dumb and desperate as they are, don't want to open that door.

If the shutdown isn't over by the State of the Union, the assembled congress needs to forget all "decorum" and boo Trump as he walks in with his shit eating grin, and keep booing him as he tries to pump out more lies and excuses.  That is the American free speech way, and the only way to deal with this two legged maggot now.  The TV networks already erred by giving him prime time to deliver what was basically a campaign speech to arouse his asinine base. What we don't need now is the State of the Union used as another prop for his lies and bad faith.

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