With New Revelations On Trump's "Compromise" Dems Can't Bail Even If Their Polling Goes South

As most of us suspected, and another reason we applauded Nancy Pelosi and the Dems spitting on Dotard's recent shutdown halt proposal, we've since learned there were many additional odious demands not appearing in the media. Most of these, we've also since discovered, originated in the brain of Trump's chief Nazi Steven Miller. You know, the Herman Goebbels look -alike and wannabe, e.g.
As I noted in my Jan. 19 post on why Trump's alleged "compromise" proposal was a sham: "it shouldn't take a Mensa member to figure out Trump is simply using this bottom basement pseudo deal in a PR photo op to put pressure on the Dems. This is in the hope it will alter the public opinion polls." Now we have further confirmation of how true that was in the wake of "fine print" additions revealed as part of this asinine effort - which emerged yesterday.
What are they?
1) The bill now revealed in full would bar children from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador from seeking asylum in the United States.
2) Instead of (1) they'd now have to apply for asylum from abroad, despite the fact there is absolutely no system set up for them to do that.
In other words, "President" Steve Miller and his assistant Donnie Dotard have concocted a scheme wherein there is a separate asylum process for children from Central America. Indeed, enabling such a travesty would take the nation back to before it passed the Refugee Act in the first place. To remind readers, that was in the World War II era when we actually turned ships laden with children - seeking escape from the Nazis - back to the seas because too many demanded the number of Jews be capped. That disgrace is now part of our sorry history but Miller, Trump, Coulter and Co. want to revive it.
Gerald Seib ('Wall Marks Deep Divide For Americans', yesterday, p. A4) put the focus on why Dems cannot deal in good faith with the irascible lunatic occupying the White House. Seib noted a settlement a year ago that "would have provided substantial funding for border security alongside legal status for young immigrants brought here as children. But Mr. Trump backed away from the deal after his most hard line supporters balked it"
Those would include the likes of Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and the Fox and Friends imps as well as others. More or less the same lot that got him to bail on the continuing resolution approved barely two months ago that would have kept the gov't open. Point being- certainly by me and the Dems - is no sensible person can negotiate with such a mercurial baboon whose stance changes depending on what the Reich screech crowd demand. As Chris Hayes put it last night on his 'All In' show:
"With breadlines for federal workers growing, Democrats desperately want to get the government back on track. But they are not dealing with a president who is simply not a trustworthy partner. You cannot make a deal with him because he will hide the truth, and he will lie and he will change his mind over and over again. That is why we are suffering through the longest shutdown in history. That is why when it comes to immigration in particular the only way to deal with this president is to defeat him."
In other words, we're left to try make deals with a bombastic cretin who has no mind of his own - far less any self-awareness- and who constantly defers to Limbaugh, Coulter et al.- even as he mounts his own incessant prevarications, distortions, exaggerations. Not a good national policy!
Now in retrospect we see where Seib got it wrong was when he added (ibid.): "Then, when Mr. Trump offered a more modest version of the same deal over the weekend, both his most ardent supporters and Democrats rejected it."
The problem is we've seen in the past 24 hours it was not a "more modest deal" but an atrocity in which the veneer of "compromise" snookered many pundit, but toxic elements were buried inside. These included radical provisions - as pushed by Herr Miller - that would have drastically restricted asylum if accepted. After reading the bill, legal specialist Gabriel Maier wrote: "This will (and should) get zero votes from Democrats. This is not the compromise that Trump described"
But I had already (in my Jan. 19th post) referred to the Trump offer as "not worth an ounce of doggie lickspittle" . That was even before knowing about the poison pills buried within, because I also suspected we weren't being told everything and more ghastly aspects awaited.
The new revelations also exposed yesterday's WSJ editorial ('Pelosi's Dreamer Pawns') as codswallop, claiming in reference to Trump's proposed offer: "Isn't this something Democrats want, or at least profess to? Do they want a deal to reopen government and offer new security for more than a million immigrants or do they want to use them as pawns against Trump?"
Clearly the WSJ editors need to read their in-house columnist William Galston's piece (Trump's Pinned To A Wall Few Americans Want', WSJ, p. A15, Jan. 17) especially his end remark:
"The art of the deal isn't bludgeoning everyone else into submission. It's providing them incentives to give you what you value most."
What Trump should be valuing most is not his nutso fantasy "wall" but his whole economy (as financial guru Steve Rattner said on 'Morning Joe' this a.m.) as well as the stock market he constantly brags about. But the fool would rather self-destruct because of the bad names some hardline Right wing nuts called him. And this dolt is supposed to be a world leader? He's a world embarrassment! No wonder they're glad not to see him in Davos this week for the World Economic Forum.
And make no mistake this shutdown's ripple effects grows more serious by the day as it is now affects some 1 in 5 Americans. In addition, the government is "flying blind" in terms of economic data. That is, the shutdown of critical agencies is impeding the flow of data that would actually gauge how big the daily or monthly hit is. ('The U.S. Economy Is Flying Blind', WSJ, Jan. 19, p. B12). Thus: "Think of it as the forecasting equivalent of flying through a storm without instruments."
This is why many economists are predicting Trump's shutdown as well as hie trade war will lead to a major recession by the end of next year if not sooner.
Nonetheless, as Gabriel Maier put it, no Dem in his right mind can sign on to this latest iteration of Dotard's non-compromise, not now not ever. And that means even if the poll results currently supporting Dems go South. Again, the shutdown weapon can't be handed to this deranged asshole and de facto terrorist to use in any future negotiations such as the upcoming debt ceiling. So the shutdown will have to go on until Donnie Dotard breaks, gives in, comes to his senses. Or grasps that there will be no specious deal that just hands him a 'W' with no accountability of his own.
What Seib did get eminently correct in his column is that the nation is bitterly divided, but based on perceptions of reality, e.g.
"Trump's supporters want him to not merely build a wall but draw a line against changes they dislike - a line other Americans find out of step with reality."
In fact, those "other Americans" translate to a clear majority - nearly 73% according to a poll on whether the "wall" is worth a federal shutdown, as given on MSNBC this morning. That means we who value reality are going against of core Trumpies - barely a a quarter, who don't. We cannot let that minority prevail, and that's another reason this shutdown will go on until those denying reality yield - even if it means a lot of pain.
See also:
by P.M. Carpenter | January 21, 2019 - 7:23am |
2) Instead of (1) they'd now have to apply for asylum from abroad, despite the fact there is absolutely no system set up for them to do that.
In other words, "President" Steve Miller and his assistant Donnie Dotard have concocted a scheme wherein there is a separate asylum process for children from Central America. Indeed, enabling such a travesty would take the nation back to before it passed the Refugee Act in the first place. To remind readers, that was in the World War II era when we actually turned ships laden with children - seeking escape from the Nazis - back to the seas because too many demanded the number of Jews be capped. That disgrace is now part of our sorry history but Miller, Trump, Coulter and Co. want to revive it.
Gerald Seib ('Wall Marks Deep Divide For Americans', yesterday, p. A4) put the focus on why Dems cannot deal in good faith with the irascible lunatic occupying the White House. Seib noted a settlement a year ago that "would have provided substantial funding for border security alongside legal status for young immigrants brought here as children. But Mr. Trump backed away from the deal after his most hard line supporters balked it"
Those would include the likes of Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and the Fox and Friends imps as well as others. More or less the same lot that got him to bail on the continuing resolution approved barely two months ago that would have kept the gov't open. Point being- certainly by me and the Dems - is no sensible person can negotiate with such a mercurial baboon whose stance changes depending on what the Reich screech crowd demand. As Chris Hayes put it last night on his 'All In' show:
"With breadlines for federal workers growing, Democrats desperately want to get the government back on track. But they are not dealing with a president who is simply not a trustworthy partner. You cannot make a deal with him because he will hide the truth, and he will lie and he will change his mind over and over again. That is why we are suffering through the longest shutdown in history. That is why when it comes to immigration in particular the only way to deal with this president is to defeat him."
In other words, we're left to try make deals with a bombastic cretin who has no mind of his own - far less any self-awareness- and who constantly defers to Limbaugh, Coulter et al.- even as he mounts his own incessant prevarications, distortions, exaggerations. Not a good national policy!
Now in retrospect we see where Seib got it wrong was when he added (ibid.): "Then, when Mr. Trump offered a more modest version of the same deal over the weekend, both his most ardent supporters and Democrats rejected it."
The problem is we've seen in the past 24 hours it was not a "more modest deal" but an atrocity in which the veneer of "compromise" snookered many pundit, but toxic elements were buried inside. These included radical provisions - as pushed by Herr Miller - that would have drastically restricted asylum if accepted. After reading the bill, legal specialist Gabriel Maier wrote: "This will (and should) get zero votes from Democrats. This is not the compromise that Trump described"
But I had already (in my Jan. 19th post) referred to the Trump offer as "not worth an ounce of doggie lickspittle" . That was even before knowing about the poison pills buried within, because I also suspected we weren't being told everything and more ghastly aspects awaited.
The new revelations also exposed yesterday's WSJ editorial ('Pelosi's Dreamer Pawns') as codswallop, claiming in reference to Trump's proposed offer: "Isn't this something Democrats want, or at least profess to? Do they want a deal to reopen government and offer new security for more than a million immigrants or do they want to use them as pawns against Trump?"
Clearly the WSJ editors need to read their in-house columnist William Galston's piece (Trump's Pinned To A Wall Few Americans Want', WSJ, p. A15, Jan. 17) especially his end remark:
"The art of the deal isn't bludgeoning everyone else into submission. It's providing them incentives to give you what you value most."
What Trump should be valuing most is not his nutso fantasy "wall" but his whole economy (as financial guru Steve Rattner said on 'Morning Joe' this a.m.) as well as the stock market he constantly brags about. But the fool would rather self-destruct because of the bad names some hardline Right wing nuts called him. And this dolt is supposed to be a world leader? He's a world embarrassment! No wonder they're glad not to see him in Davos this week for the World Economic Forum.
And make no mistake this shutdown's ripple effects grows more serious by the day as it is now affects some 1 in 5 Americans. In addition, the government is "flying blind" in terms of economic data. That is, the shutdown of critical agencies is impeding the flow of data that would actually gauge how big the daily or monthly hit is. ('The U.S. Economy Is Flying Blind', WSJ, Jan. 19, p. B12). Thus: "Think of it as the forecasting equivalent of flying through a storm without instruments."
This is why many economists are predicting Trump's shutdown as well as hie trade war will lead to a major recession by the end of next year if not sooner.
Nonetheless, as Gabriel Maier put it, no Dem in his right mind can sign on to this latest iteration of Dotard's non-compromise, not now not ever. And that means even if the poll results currently supporting Dems go South. Again, the shutdown weapon can't be handed to this deranged asshole and de facto terrorist to use in any future negotiations such as the upcoming debt ceiling. So the shutdown will have to go on until Donnie Dotard breaks, gives in, comes to his senses. Or grasps that there will be no specious deal that just hands him a 'W' with no accountability of his own.
What Seib did get eminently correct in his column is that the nation is bitterly divided, but based on perceptions of reality, e.g.
"Trump's supporters want him to not merely build a wall but draw a line against changes they dislike - a line other Americans find out of step with reality."
In fact, those "other Americans" translate to a clear majority - nearly 73% according to a poll on whether the "wall" is worth a federal shutdown, as given on MSNBC this morning. That means we who value reality are going against of core Trumpies - barely a a quarter, who don't. We cannot let that minority prevail, and that's another reason this shutdown will go on until those denying reality yield - even if it means a lot of pain.
See also:
by P.M. Carpenter | January 21, 2019 - 7:23am |
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