
Hypocritical Athlete Ally Drops Martina Navratilova From Advisory Board After 'Transphobic' Op-Ed

Athlete Ally, a group whose purported mission is to "end the rampant homophobia and transphobia in sport" announced Tuesday that it had dropped Martina Navratilova from its advisory board because of her op-ed in London's Sunday Times in which she says trans women should not be allowed to compete against cisgender women.

Without a doubt, Navratilova has handled the topic about as horribly as anyone could. (I outline how here.)  I think she's not used to having someone really get in her face and tell her what to do/think, so trans cyclist Rachel McKinnon clearly pushed her buttons. (To be fair, McKinnon is also pretty awful about the way she communicates.) But this was never about Navratilova. The real question is this: Just because the odds of someone trans becoming a top-level athlete are so minuscule, should Navratilova just keep quiet? My feeling has always been, kinda, yes, which is why I said I support the IOC and NCAA's findings for inclusion, however they were determined. (I've searched high and low for this science that supports that trans women are actually at a disadvantage competing against cis women, but the only thing I can find is that "it depends who you ask." How's that for science?)

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But if we're setting guidelines for a group of people who are suddenly growing in visibility -- and perhaps number, now that it's becoming more socially acceptable for trans people to live their authentic lives -- should we be more forward-looking than just trying to avoid incurring the wrath of trans activists?

I think that's all Navratilova is asking. But as I've experienced first-hand, you're not allowed to without being labeled transphobic, or worse.
As far as the Athlete Ally snub goes let's be clear about one thing: The group needs Martina far more than she needs it. A friend who is in a position to know about these things said Athlete Ally was basically formed by a bunch of well-heeled gay men who wanted a way to garner access to celebrities -- they've been particularly successful with tennis players. So while I think any visibility it has added to LGBTQ sports is worthwhile, there's nothing special about it. (In fact, Athlete Ally's true motivations have been called into question more than once.)

To that point, it strikes me as very "Amazon dropping Woody Allen (over claims it already knew about when it got involved with him) so that it looks woke now" that Athlete Ally is reacting this way given that when it needed a high-profile trans person to "honor" in 2015, the organization selected Dr. Renee Richards -- even though Richards was already on the record agreeing with Navratilova about trans athletes. As the queens like to say, it's not a good look. Perhaps this is another example of "woke privilege."

I've reached out to Athlete Ally and will update if I hear back from them. 

From HERE.

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