Trump's Lies Preferable to Progressives' "Conceptual Falsities" ? A Farrago Of Lance Morrow's Despicable BS Shows He's NO Better Than Trump TV

"Doh! I duz know this op-ed gonna be da best I ever dun' while on MJ an' Ripple!'
In fact, 2020 general election voters have a choice between Donnie Dotard's reckless deformation and destruction of civic and political reality and a leader who will be the opposite and beckon citizens to renew their national pride based on respect for our Constitution and reality.
Recall Morrow is now writing such trash - cherry picking the most extreme examples of progressive politics (what we call using the "strawman" fallacy) - after already desecrating his bona fides last year. In a piece of yellow journalism back in October (WSJ, Oct. 19, 'We've Grown Accustomed To Trump', p, A19) Morrow actually invoked a modified Stockholm syndrome to explain why the Democrats might not take back the House. He scribbled:
""Familiarity and the passage of time may breed a certain kind of acquiescence, even grudging acceptance. We see a touch of the Stockholm syndrome.
My guess is that the variations on Stockholm syndrome will play a role in the minds of independent voters in the 2018 midterms, producing a slightly friendlier inclination toward Mr. Trump and anyway, toward Republicans."
Of course, Morrow's midterm projections didn't happen. Most independents saw the insanity and disruption of the Dotard and sided with millions of Dem voters to generate what we now recognize as a true blue wave, and finally, a counterweight to Trump's excesses.
Morrow's recent piece - to try to disarm the unwary into believing he's remotely balanced, begins by his writing:
"Trump works with huckster falsehoods - the flashy superlatives of a car salesman."
Hmmmm....I was thinking more of the proverbial carny barker or better, snake oil salesman. Never mind. Morrow quickly drops all pretense of fairness and invokes the usual false equivalence ploy:
"The progressive left works with conceptual falsities. Voters in 2020 will decide which style of lies is better."
Here is where this twit needs to be slapped down. Trump's 8,000 lies so far, are baldfaced, straight up, in your face LIES. Like claiming his inauguration crowd surpassed Obama's and also that he would "build a wall and make Mexico pay" when he knew damned well that was never going to happen.
What he calls "conceptual falsities" is Morrow's own brand of conceptual rubbish, much like the invocation of "Stockholm syndrome" for independent voters in his earlier piece. There is in fact nothing conceptually false about arguing for a nation that works for all citizens not just billionaires and corporations (like Amazon -which I will have more to say in a coming post).
Then, after spewing that indiscriminate bollocks Morrow really loses it, much like an earlier nitwit nabob (Crispin Sartwell of Dickinson College) who insisted Trump's tweet were a form of "literature" as opposed to toddler-level garbage.
"Mr. Trump composes his reality after the manner of Renaissance painter's penitmento, except that he works at the speed of Twitter."
How about instead, Trump composes his reality in the manner of a drunken monkey handed two cans of paint and induced to splash the contents all over a wall? But Morrow isn't quite done, at least revealing for us the degree to which his brain has been scuttled by Trumpist balderdash and FOX ("Trump TV") propaganda, e.g.
"Trump's abuses, he and his followers believe, somehow become right by coalescing into a larger truth - the mythic America that radiated from my father's old Saturday Evening Post and came to the apotheosis of the Neverland in Dwight Eisenhower's 1950s"
Ah, yes, I recall that era well too. Traveling through the deep South in the late 50s - my Dad driving his '57 Chevy - to get us all to Milwaukee for a family reunion (we had left Milwaukee for Miami in 1956). . Passing through Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky - and seeing all the stark signs labeled "Whites Only" and "Colored" at water fountains, ditto with restrooms.
I also recall my younger brother Jerry being read the riot act by an inebriated elderly cracker in Georgia when he mistakenly drank from the "colored" fountain. And we won't even get into the fact that the cafes and such we frequented for our breakfasts were barred to the "colored". Yeah, Morrow, real nice era- but glad you connected it to Trumpism and its "larger truth".
Then Morrow - likely overdosing on MJ candy and Ripple - vents his spleen on modern day progressives - as if anywhere in the same remote league of atrocity as Trump and MAGA -land:
"Progressive are busy reinventing the Kingdom of God on Earth. Trying to make their version as different as possible from his. They contrive elaborate new genders, for example - ones the deity didn't think of. They invent bristling and ecstatic vocabulary terms like 'intersectionality', 'cistendered' and 'heteronormality' -designed to bully reality into compliance."
Hold strain there, MJ Morrow. The terms, examples you're citing are valid for perhaps 1/2 percent of progressives, if that. Like so many on the Right who love false equivalence, we see Lance loves to commit the fallacy of composition as well, As he probably doesn't know what it means - like most Trump boot lickers- we need to explain that it refers to claiming that what is true of a part of a given population is true of the whole.
The same fallacy commission is evident later as when he blabbers:
"The progressive notion of gender as a social construct rather than sex as a fact of nature contradicts ages worth of human experience about the biological roles of men and women in the drama of procreation and survival."
BY now realizing he's perhaps consumed too much of his column space on gender issues (again which characterize only a tiny minority of progressive activities ) we read:
"The role of law is cast aside for a 13th century dream of open borders and sanctuary"
Actually, as I recall my 13th century World history, walls were ubiquitous, as were the beliefs that populations could easily be sequestered (and protected) by them. That illusion definitely was shattered with the siege of Caffa (Kaffa) in 1346 when Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes hurled plague-ridden rats over the walls. The scene captures in assorted etchings, and other art, e.g.

Morrow's next to last paragraph is just as loopy and crazed, as befitting a hack and senile doper on his last gasp of meaningful gig legs. Now finding temporary succor by wallowing in Trump glorification in the WSJ's dubious op eds. So no surprise - while blinded to the "catastrophic awfulness" of Trump (Michelle Goldberg's description) we read instead this codswallop:
"The left disparages masculinity as evil and Western civilization as monstrous, hoping to extinguish the intellectual and moral legacy that created the U.S. in the first place. If we are not careful the strategy that might work."
No, idiot. The strategy that might work is Trump's slow dismantling of all constitutional norms and principles to pave the way for his brand of unitary, narcissistic authoritarianism. And what's to stop that with deranged fools like you enabling him as you scribble such utterly reckless prose? Prose in the form of op-eds devoid of historical fact and context as well as being replete with every logical fallacy I'd noted in some previous posts, e.g.
Brane Space: A Primer on Logical Fallacies: Part One
See also:
by Jaime O'Neill | February 19, 2019 - 7:28am |
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